إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

*Connects to the Adobe Kuler service to provide you with access to hundreds of thousands of color schemes.
*Search for color schemes by tag, color, author and more. Easily search right from within the info of another scheme.
*Save your favorite color schemes for quick access. You can even access them offline.
*Get the color values for any color scheme. You can also see other information such as rating, author, and title.
*Great for any type of designer to brainstorm color schemes with their clients, right on the spot.
*Email any color scheme and all of its information to yourself or clients.
*Mental block on what colors to use for a new project? No problem, just open ColorSlide.

Visit our website at http://www.color-slide.com/
Email us at [email protected]

If you have any questions visit our forums at http://www.color-slide.com/forums/ - You can also find information about any features that are planned for the future.